Monday, September 22, 2008

Tests for Each Leg of the Stool

(Click a picture to see it full size)

The Pillars upholding human dignity are common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity. Here we briefly explore the common good. It's important to realize that none of these principles can be fully understood without the other three.

The above are tests I propose (which are inherently subjective and a tool for dialogue, not a tool for finality) for assessing if a given action upholds each aspect of human dignity. Their primary usefulness is as a dialogue tool, providing a common foundation from which to begin talking with someone who disagrees with you about raising minimum wage, so you can begin to understand where and why you disagree, why there are holes in your approach or theirs, and perhaps to begin seeing what needs to happen to create an action that more fully upholds human dignity than we currently have.

Care to participate in that dialogue? Feel free to dive in in the comments section. For the whole schtick, please see my Model of Catholic Social Teaching.

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