Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hot, Steamy, Monogamous Marriage!

You read that right. Hot. Steamy. Monogamous. Marriage. Life-long. Between a man and a woman.

It's the richest, deepest, most increasingly pleasurable and rewarding way to be sexually active. It's also the only way that is part of God's gift and that help us become who God created us to be, rather than degrading us to being less than human.

We under-sell sacramental marriage. I suspect in part this is because priests, bishops, cardinals, and our pope are celibate. They may intellectually know how rich it can be. But that's like reading a how to book about making love. Cardboard caviar.

That means it's our job to sell God's plan for an active sex life.

Making love serves two equal and inseparable purposes:
Life and Love. Both are co-creative and both are redemptive. Outside of marriage between a man and a woman it is impossible to have both. Anything less falls short of God's plan for anyone sexually active. I'll explore these more in a future post.

Let's begin to celebrate and spread a counter-cultural message (marketing for Jesus):

  • Making love exclusively with the same woman for a life time makes the Kama Sutra seem like sex 101. The depth and pleasure and excitement are mind and body blowing.
  • Making love in any lesser relationship diminishes our capacity to eventually enter into a rich and rewarding sacramental marriage.
  • Making love with abandon (or NFP) vs. making love with birth control is like:
  1. BBQ w/ jalipineos vs. generic ketchup
  2. the big game on b/w 12" TV vs. plasma widescreen w/ surround sound
  3. DOS vs. Mac OS X
  4. 1971 Chicken-fat yellow Volvo wagon vs. (insert your crazy dream car here).
  • Marriage fulfills life in ways we begin to realize before entering into it. To avoid marriage so you can live life is idiot living.

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